Cindy McCain pre-taped a Democrat produced endorsement for Vice-President Joe Biden that is currently running as a campaign commercial. In it, Mrs. McCain hails the bi-partisan friendship between her late husband Sen. John McCain and Biden and says it was a “style of legislative and leadership you don’t find much anymore.” 

McCain and he would “cross the aisle and lock arms to do the right thing,” Biden confirms in the ad. But in 2007, Biden killed McCain/Kennedy Comprehensive Immigration Reform with his vote to filibuster it. Biden’s vote destroyed McCain’s presidential aspirations. Biden also decimated the hopes of millions of Hispanics who never got comprehensive immigration reform from Biden.

John and Cindy McCain, Sarah and Todd Palin, November 2, 2007

Biden’s campaign commercial leaves out Pelosi and Schumer who were legislative leaders in 2007. Bush, the then “war criminal” was president. There were Hispanic protests in favor of immigration reform on the streets.  Biden and the whole cabal of Democrats rallied for comprehensive immigration reform in that monumental moment.  John McCain teamed up with Ted Kennedy as lions of the Senate to champion it.

Protesters march through downtown Chicago to Grant Park during a mass protest for immigration reform, May 01, 2007.

McConnell gambled the Republican party’s 2007 fortunes to support McCain’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform to legalize 12 million illegal immigrants.

Pelosi, Biden and Schumer decided the legalization of 12 million Hispanics was not “good enough.” Biden did not “cross the aisle and lock arms” with his “friend” John McCain. He voted to filibuster McCain’s bill. Biden promised Hispanics that within a 100 days of inauguration, he and Obama would enact better reform.  

Instead, Biden policies built the first cages on the border. The cages housed the overflow of thousands of Central American children. Without reform, the children were trafficked across the US Border to get here illegally. Biden created DACA, which a unanimous Supreme Court held was a lie. DACA conferred no legal benefits whatsoever.

Fast forward 13 years,Trump is president. Everyone witnessed the  George Floyd murder and the tactics that Democrat Mayors permit in their law enforcement.  There are protests.  McConnell steps up and directs Sen Tim Scott to lead the charge for police reform like McCain in 2007. 

Ice Cube, no Republican apologist, reads Tim Scott’s Police Reform Bill and tweets on June 17:

Ice Cube Tweet, June 17, 2020

“we gotta give credit to Sen. Tim Scott R-(SC) for moving the needle with the GOP to work with Dems on a real Police Reform Bill”

Democrats refused to“cross the aisle and lock arms” to enact police reform. Sen. Kamala Harris like Biden, in 2007, argued from the Senate floor that the proposed reform was insufficient. As if nothing is better than something.

June 6, 2007, Biden and Schumer cast deciding votes that killed immigration reform and the aspirations of 12 million Hispanics. Fast forward, June 24, 2020, Harris and Schumer kill police reform and the hopes of African-Americans and the police, as well.

Democrats now blame systemic white racism and Trump for the shootings and killings across Democrat run cities.

Democrats shafted the Floyd family, the Black community and the police of reform. It was the same way they shafted the Hispanic community of reform in 2007.  The worsening situation in the Democrat cities is from their failure. It is the same as Democrat post-election failure to reform immigration that worsened the lives of Hispanics and created cages.

It is disappointing that Cindy McCain forgot McCain’s personal and professional loss from Biden’s betrayal. African-Americans should forget about believing that Biden will ever “lock arms and cross the aisle to do the right thing.”

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