The Democrats and Media’s February Delay Hoax


Let’s review the definition of Hoax in the context of the Administration of Donald J Trump.

“Hoax” is a false narrative peddled by Democrat political operatives/politicians to their communication aides in the mainstream media.  Rather than research, provide context or sources for the Democrat narrative, the mainstream media blindly  adopts it and hurls the false narrative at the President as though he’s committed the greatest affront to the Constitution and the American people.

The recent February Delay Hoax is another case of abject laziness by the media aides of the Democrat party. 

President Trump, former real estate developer and reality TV producer/star when suddenly confronted with an epidemic/pandemic type virus around December 30 exceeded expectations and saved lives by banning travel from China on January 31, 2020 even though there were only eight reported cases in the United States.

Dr. Fauci acknowledged the critical success of the President’s move. European nations and others around the globe have since implemented travel bans between countries, states even cities as an effective means to quarantine the spread of the virus. In fact, Speaker Pelosi’s touted San Francisco’s Chinatown containment success is  probably due to the President’s ban of flights from China the month before.  The East Coast containment efforts were not so successful because of the volume of flights and infected passengers that returned from Europe where the President had not imposed a ban.

So, as the viral tsunami grew and preparations for beds and ventilators became an issue, Democrat leaders and their media communication aides turned to excoriating  President Trump, the Federal government and private industry for not producing beds, PPEs and ventilators fast enough to cure New York’s failure to prepare.  President Trump took on and rejected the onslaught of failure deflections by Democrats like Andrew Cuomo, the Governor of New York and the media that 30,000 ventilators would be required. Day after day, Trump said 30,000 ventilators would not be necessary and day after day, the media rejected the Task Force conclusions and the President’s statements.

When it became obvious that the President, the Task Force, the private sector, and everyone in the  federal government exceeded expectations in March, saved lives and made sure that each victim of this Chinese virus treachery had the best medical care, Democrats and their press aides turned to the month of February in their attempt to take down the President and his Administration.

Last week, CBS correspondent Paula Reid castigated “what did you do at that time? With the time that you bought? … You didn’t use it to ramp up hospitals or ramp up testing and now 20 million people are unemployed and thousands of Americans are dead.”

Sunday, CBS journalist Weijia Jiang asked, in contrasting the malfeasance of WHO Director Tedros to Trump’s response in February, she said “[m]any Americans are saying the exact same thing about you,” Jiang told Trump. “That you should have warned them that the virus was spreading like wildfire through the month of February instead of holding rallies with thousands of people.”

Of course, the President flipped. Paula Reid accused the President, who physically wraps himself in the America flag of treachery- of failing to ramp up beds at hospitals throughout the country and testing throughout the country to protect Americans.

 And like the FBI agents who just never ever bothered to clean up their FISA submissions to insure their accuracy, Jiang went so far as to accuse the President of failing to warn Americans about a virus that she alleged “was spreading like wildfire” in the United States.

Why didn’t the President use February to ramp up hospital beds and testing. Why didn’t the President warn Americans when the virus was allegedly spreading like wildfire. Well, maybe because: March 1, 2020 Total US Coronavirus cases

-until March 1, there were only 75 reported cases of coronavirus in the United States;





-until February 26, there were only 13 reported cases in Spain.

COVID-19 February 26 cases in Spain





Italy reported Coronavirus cases, February 21, 2020

-until February 21, there were only 21 reported cases in Italy; the number suddenly multiplied to 470 by February 26 and to 1,129 on February 29 the last day of the month;

Italy Coronavirus Cases February 26, 2020

How could the President or Governors ramp up hospital beds when the United States had only 75 reported cases until March 1? Worse you can’t represent 75 reported cases to 350 million Americas as a ”spreading wildfire”. In fact, to do so would have been an outright lie.  The entire disgusting narrative falls flat without Reid and Jiang’s willful omissions of context and outright lies.

So here we are, again. Another media hoax.   

Significantly, both journalists’ questions also excised from reality that during January and February, Obama/Biden holdover Dr. Nancy Messonnier, the Director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases was implementing Obama era epidemic/pandemic protocols for testing and tracing in what turned into a colossal bureaucratic failure.  Their questions ignored that Dr. Messonnier’s pandemic warning came on February 25, 2020 and the next day the Trump Administration went into full battle mode with the appointment of Vice-President Pence to the Task Force.

In her public remarks on February 25, Dr. Messonnier directed  the public health systems across the country to begin implementing the Community Mitigation Guidelines to Prevent Pandemic Influenza United States 2017.  She advised state and local public health officials that the Guidelines drew “from the findings of nearly 200 journal articles written between 1990 and 2016.  This document looked at what can be done at the individual and community level during a pandemic when we don’t have a vaccine or proven medical treatment for the disease.  We’re looking at data since 2016 and adjusting our recommendations to the specific circumstances of COVID-19.”

Thus, the CDC instituting Obama/Biden pandemic protocols in February was  apparently insufficiently proactive to Reid and Jaing and their other Democrat media press aides and resulted in the loss of millions of jobs and thousands of deaths.  This is a preposterous assertion. But if Democrats and their media communication teams at CBS and CNN want to pursue it, Republicans and the President will oblige.

Ultimately though, the truth is  that in February, the President, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Messonnier, Speaker Pelosi, Governor Cuomo and Mayor DeBlasio pursued Obama/Biden pandemic protocols until February 29 because there were only 75 reported cases in the United States; 21 reported cases in Italy until February 21 with the large multiplications occurring suddenly on February 28 ; and 13 in Spain on February 26.

Americans have suffered through over 40,000 deaths of their neighbors, family members, and friends.  They will continue to experience thousands more deaths. Yet even under these circumstances, Americans are taking to the streets and ignoring stay at home orders, because they see their family businesses, savings and jobs destroyed by this shutdown.  They do not want to sit in their cars in food lines that wrap around their cities for the survival of their families.

To think that Americans would have or should have given up their freedoms and the safety of their medical systems for 75 cases in February is the height of journalistic ignorance. To create a false narrative that a “wildfire spread” of the virus existed in February and went ignored is to foment hatred and distrust between Americans and their Federal, State and Local government officials. It is journalistic malfeasance and, as the President says, Reid and Jaing should be ashamed of themselves.


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