Pam Bondi- Women For Trump Advocates

Master Minds at Work


Pam Bondi is a long and loyal member of the Women for Trump leader.  Her grit, experience, and the genius pitch from the heart of the Women for Trump Committee Lara Trump won Pam the coveted assignment of exposing the  Bidens and the Ukraine #SWAMP.

Along with Lara, Pam also navigated the Save our Dogs campaign to end greyhound racing. Through Florida’s legislative quagmire, the business interests and inbred customs of the Dog Racing Swamp, Pam won.  So in 2018, in addition to keeping Florida in the red column, Bondi and Save our Dogs ended  greyhound racing in Florida.

Thank you Pam for exposing the revolving door of children of American oligarchs like Biden who spent the Obama Administration profiting in the countries our tax dollars were sent to assist.