Imagine if Democrats had taken Trump’s Shutdown Proposal in January

Since October 2018, President Donald J. Trump has directly challenged the Democrats in Congress on the rising humanitarian crisis at the Southern Border. At the rallies, he warned of the dangers to our communities from the continuing invasion of illiterate, impoverished, non-english speaking migrants from Central America.

From the other side, Democrats like President Barack Obama ridiculed even the idea of a crisis at the Border.

President Obama circa October 2018 on the rising migrant caravans

Democrats denied and lied to voters about the human crisis. Republicans lost the House, and the caravan numbers increased. The human tragedy between Mexico and the United States grew. So in January, the President tried bringing government to shutdown to wake Democrats to the issue. On behalf of Americans, he offered detention beds for the women and children and:

President Trump’s offer to alleviate human suffering at the Border.

Democrats rejected funding for beds. Stunningly, they created a process they hoped would reduce the number of beds for thousands of migrant women and children. They even rejected legislated legalization for three years for DACA and TPS immigrants.

Instead, Democrats insisted on leaving in place laws that like Jim Crow have left millions of Hispanics in illegal servitude. Laws they refused to reform since 2006, when they killed McCain-Kennedy immigration reform. To Democrats, a life of illegal servitude for Hispanics is far more preferable than regularizing the Southern Border so they can enter legally.

Since October 2018, when Obama laughed at the caravans, their numbers have grown exponentially. Will Democrats require another Special Counsel to acknowledge the truth of the humanitarian crisis? How will Democrats lie through the caravan images, now, and the thousands of penniless women and children roaming our cities, homeless.

Central American migrants surrendering for entry to the streets of our poorest communities.