Hundreds of thousands of Central American migrants risk their children’s lives to head north to the US Border. The smug response of well-fenced hacks like Nancy Pelosi and her doorman safe media mouthpieces; Trump said Mexico would pay for the Wall, it hasn’t, so we shouldn’t build one until Mexico pays for it.  

Clearly, President “America First” Trump isn’t going to spend much time on how Democrat open border policies are taxing Mexican cities like Tijuana. But,  what about Schumer, Pelosi, and the media who claim to care about Hispanics and the poor?  How is it that the great Hispanic saviors ignore the stream of endless tents and encampments in Tijuana and Piedras Negras that overwhelm Mexico as a result of Democrat’s refusal to end our porous border policies and catch and release?

Cities like Tijuana and Piedras Negras are US border fences and housing centers for thousands of mostly women and children waiting to file unfounded petitions for Amnesty. Mexico’s President Obrador and Mexicans, in their clear-eyed need to protect themselves, are paying for the humanitarian cost of Democrats open border and amnesty policies.

Last November, Mexican Federal police barricaded the US Border crossing and forced back a migrant rush as US border patrol fired tear gas from the US side.  While Jim Acosta was misting over the peaceful the Walled area around Tamaulipas, Mexican police were investigating the deaths of 21 gang members  17 of whose bodies were charred and burned in Ciudad Miguel Aleman. Mexicans and their federal police are continually relocating thousands of Central America migrants within Mexico, in response to migrant riots in Mexican camps.

Democrats and their media sycophants are so blinded with elitist condensation they ignore the human and financial capital that Mexicans expend every day because of Democrats refuse to secure our Border and reform our immigration policies. Democrats and their donors fly off to their gated communities and doorman apartments and scream “racism”. Meanwhile, the migrants in Mexico and the thousands that follow them remain in tents , makeshift mattresses, endangering their children with treks for an entry that will not be allowed.

Worse, what if Mexico stopped paying for the Wall or stopped acting as our giant detention center as Democrat hacks want? What if Mexico allowed all the illiterate women and children waiting in Mexico to cross our border? What if we stopped imposing on the generosity of Mexico, as the Democrats suggest, whose communities will these migrants impact?  Except for cheap labor, Pelosi and her liberal donors will never see hundreds and thousands of unskilled women with young children in their neighborhoods. These poor are dropped off with nothing at local bus stations to head for the poorest “mixed communities” that barely get by with the available public resources.  

The Trump Administration enacted the most pro-American worker legislation in the First Step Act.  These Americans deserve Amnesty and first dibs at our jobs and social services. Ending policies that endanger and over tax the resources of poor mixed communities on both sides of Border should be our goal.  These may be a bridge too far for Democrats’ desire for power.

But can these Democrats at least recognize that tiny Mexico is not only paying for our Wall, it has become our Wall?

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