Syrian Refugees Have Been Banned For Six Years—Where were the Protests?

As the Democrats and the media apoplectically, block the airwaves and airport walkways with rage that 1,000 travelers who had valid documentation were delayed or prevented from entering the United Sates.

But where was the media or the protesters Obama and Europe banned millions and millions of Syrians to rot in camps, this response to arguably the worst humanitarian crisis since the Holocaust. According to the United Nations Human Rights Commissioner, 4.8 million Syrians have fled to camps in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq. The Telegraph, in a recent report, found that the refugee camps are so overcrowded and oppressive that refugees prefer to risk the derision of the natives around them and try to find a life outside of these camps than remain in them.

It is undeniable that the refugee crisis,now in its sixth year, was spawned by the failure of the West, the United States and our NATO partners’ to mount a defense to the escalation of the proxy war by Iran and Russian in support of Assad. The plight of the millions of innocent refugees was exacerbated in October 2015, when it became clear that the Iran Deal had overcome Congressional opposition and was implemented. At that point, Russian fighter planes took over Syrian airspace and along with our $1.5 billion payment in cash to Iran paid for the devastation in Alleppo.

For a year after the abandonment of millions of innocent Syrians Airbus has concluded the sale of 30 airplanes to Iran, our former Secretary of State John Kerry ran around Europe trying to drum up business for Iran while Iranian militias and Putin leveled the civilian areas of Aleppo. We spent the last several months with Democrats and some Republicans beating the war drums against Russia. Yet, it was not until after the election of Donald Trump and Russia’s intercession, Turkey and the opposition groups have now achieved a cease-fire. The first soccer match in Aleppo, after five years, was held.

But, what of the impact of the endless entrapment of over 4 million refugees in camps for the last six years courtesy of the feckless policies of President Obama and Mrs. Clinton? There is no equivalent, yet neither the President nor Mrs. Clinton mention a strategy for closing the Syrian and Libyan refugee camps their policies created.

Admitting 10,000 or 65,000 or 1 million refugees when over 4 million are homeless is not a foreign policy. If we cannot impose our open values in the Middle East, we cannot expect refugees to accept and assimilate to a way of life so controversial to their own without radicalization. When will the media start asking European leaders and the Democrats what is your plan for returning 4 million Syrian refugees back to their homes and ending the human suffering your political experiments have created?

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