Democrats Went With Open Borders, Now The President and Millions Are Censored

By Right Thread | January 13, 2021
Bike Police Deployed At the Capitol

Sadly, the one leader and protesters ridiculed for insisting on securing safety for free speech over “optics” are silenced

Calling Candidate Ye…The Birthday Party is Needed Down in Georgia

By Joanne A. Zervos | December 29, 2020

The Right to Life and Self-Defense in the Black Community are On the Ballot, Ye, Georgians need your Message


By Joanne A. Zervos | September 22, 2020

  In endorsing presidential nominee Joe Biden, Cindy McCain pitched the relationship between her husband the late John McCain and Biden. They put Country not Party first, she said. Team Biden commercializes the friendship as one where “you cross the aisle and lock arms to do the right thing.” In announcing the endorsement to donors,…

The K Shaped Recovery in New York- A Study In Biden Economics

By Joanne A. Zervos | September 10, 2020

Recently, Team Biden trotted out the K Shaped Recovery Model as a defense when confronted by the positive jobs and economic numbers created through collaborative policies between Federal and State Republicans, President Trump and his Administration since the first States lifted their lockdowns. The interviews from the right and left on this issue proceed this…


By Joanne A. Zervos | August 28, 2020

Cindy McCain pre-taped a Democrat produced endorsement for Vice-President Joe Biden that is currently running as a campaign commercial. In it, Mrs. McCain hails the bi-partisan friendship between her late husband Sen. John McCain and Biden and says it was a “style of legislative and leadership you don’t find much anymore.”  McCain and he would…

The Democrats and Media’s February Delay Hoax

By Joanne A. Zervos | April 20, 2020

A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE TRUMP ANGER TRANSLATORS Let’s review the definition of Hoax in the context of the Administration of Donald J Trump. “Hoax” is a false narrative peddled by Democrat political operatives/politicians to their communication aides in the mainstream media.  Rather than research, provide context or sources for the Democrat narrative, the…

Trump and His Fireside Rallies

By Joanne A. Zervos | February 6, 2020

As election rally season ramps up, the detractors of President Donald J Trump will again turn their ire to the abrasive and insulting aspects of the President’s rallies.  Trump’s SOTU was another rally decried a democrat congressman.  Anyone who attends a Trump rally is guilty of latent “racism” spews a talking head on CNN. However,…


By Aspasia | January 28, 2020

Will Romney respect President Trump’s right to Executive Privilege as did for President Obama in 2012? On Monday, Mitt Romney listened as President Trump’s counsel Eric Herschmann applied the charge of “abuse of power”, using the very language set out in the First Article of Impeachment, to the conduct of none other than Romney’s opponent…

Pam Bondi- Women For Trump Advocates

By Aspasia | January 28, 2020

  Pam Bondi is a long and loyal member of the Women for Trump leader.  Her grit, experience, and the genius pitch from the heart of the Women for Trump Committee Lara Trump won Pam the coveted assignment of exposing the  Bidens and the Ukraine #SWAMP. Along with Lara, Pam also navigated the Save our…

When Accountable Foreign Policy Became an Impeachable Offense

By Right Thread | September 27, 2019

One read of the whistleblower complaint and it is abundantly clear that he/she has  extensive and personal connection to Obama/Biden’s Ukraine foreign policy. It is also obvious that he/she objects to the Trump Administration’s current foreign policy approach toward Ukraine. So again, we have a new scandal based on another attempt to prevent the President…