Since October 2018, President Donald J. Trump has directly challenged the Democrats in Congress on the rising humanitarian crisis at the Southern Border. At the rallies, he warned of the dangers to our communities from the continuing invasion of illiterate, impoverished, non-english speaking migrants from Central America. From the other side, Democrats like President Barack…

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In 1969, Charles Manson didn’t just order his ‘family’ to murder Sharon Tate, her friends and numerous other victims for fun. The atrocities were intended to capitalize on the racial tensions and set off a race war.  It would be Helter Skelter.  Apparently, clues to this apocalypse were within the subtext of Beatles songs.  Sounds…

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Hundreds of thousands of Central American migrants risk their children’s lives to head north to the US Border. The smug response of well-fenced hacks like Nancy Pelosi and her doorman safe media mouthpieces; Trump said Mexico would pay for the Wall, it hasn’t, so we shouldn’t build one until Mexico pays for it.   Clearly, President…

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Zaatari refugee camp is a sprawling mass of cabins in the Jordanian desert Jordan has welcomed more than a million Syrian refugees since war began Families expected to be in Jordan for just days, but are still there years on But UNHCR warns the ever more permanent camp isn’t a ‘durable’ solution Jordan’s King Abdullah…

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