In 48 BC, during the Siege of Alexandria during the Roman civil war, Julius Caesar ordered sent fire ships into the harbor. The resulting fire reached the city where the greatest bastion of knowledge and culture in the world, the Library of Alexandria, sat defenseless. Experts estimate that the resulting destruction stunted humanity’s growth philosophically,…

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In 1993, Nike aired its infamous “I am not a role model” ad featuring thealways controversial Charles Barkley.  Within the ad, Barkley, points out that his profession is playing basketball not a role modeling for kids or surrogate parenting. Photo Credit Then as now, we often ascribe greater ideals to individuals in order to have…

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In 1969, Charles Manson didn’t just order his ‘family’ to murder Sharon Tate, her friends and numerous other victims for fun. The atrocities were intended to capitalize on the racial tensions and set off a race war.  It would be Helter Skelter.  Apparently, clues to this apocalypse were within the subtext of Beatles songs.  Sounds…

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