Democrats Went With Open Borders, Now The President and Millions Are Censored

The elite are enjoying a last sick joyous release of bi-partisan outrage against President Donald J Trump and his Republican, Democrat, and Independent supporters over the recent attack at the Capitol.  Like a flashback from 2016, everyone has jumped to blame the melee on another “divisive” Trump speech.  Trump endangered the Capitol and his loyal Vice-President Pence, the critics rail. Shock of shocks, the President will be impeached for his speech.

Never mind that protesters do not generally bring their children to an insurrection.  Ignore that the breach of the Capitol was pre-planned and occurred before the President finished his speech. Disregard that the speech directed Americans to march peacefully and patriotically. On Pence, do not consider that the Trump/Pence stand-off confirms the duo as a partnership of equals for another run or lays the groundwork for Pence’s separate political future.  Either way, it will be the stuff historians will write about for decades. 

Nevertheless, the Swamp fumes: Trump’s exercise of assembly and speech caused the riot at the Capitol. And, because the protest turned into a melee, Trump and millions of Parler users are silenced from speaking and associating with each other.  Thousands of small political vendors are cut off from selling their merchandise on Reddit.    

But consider the irony.  This protest like all the protests that turned violent in 2020 did not go wrong because of the speech. Rather, the violence was caused by what Trump and his supporters have argued throughout his Administration.   The absence of security, proper borders and controls for crowds cause melees, not assembly and speech.

Here, the border of the world’s greatest deliberative body was secured with bike fences and one thin line of bike police without bikes for protection in furtherance of Democrat “optics” over “safety” policies.

Bike Police Deployed At the Capitol

Bike Police Deployed At the Capitol

Forget armed fringe elements that infest all right and left protests, fanatic football fans would have succumbed to the temptation of breaching bike fences to get to a Super Bowl field.  Unfortunately, these “fans” rushed a building where tear gas and guns are the legally required response to such a surge. Moreover, many of these “fans” were anarchists armed and prepared to harm.

So, how did previously peaceful law and order Deplorables find themselves in the middle of a melee against Capitol Police?  The Washington Post reported that Trump delegated authority to deploy the National Guard to General Smith at the Defense Department. So, Trump didn’t withhold deployment of the National Guard.  Indeed, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced that there would be a DC Guard presence.

Catastrophically, Bowser also announced that only the D.C. Guard would deploy and in an unarmed capacity.

Bowser rejected any other armed National Guard from the Defense Department, and she proudly telegraphed her weak security plans on twitter to every lunatic right and left militia group, as well. She told them that the National Guard would be disarmed and limited in numbers.

“To be clear,” she wrote, “the District of Columbia is not requesting other federal law enforcement personnel and discourages any other deployment”.

Muriel Bowser Tweet Disarming the National Guard

The Defense Department foolishly agreed to the light approach. They did not want to push emulating Trump’s controversial deployment of the National Guard  last summer.  Wednesday morning, Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund finally tried to bring in the DC Guard for standby at the Capitol. The Army and Congressional security of Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell wrestled with the “potential optics” of the army on the steps of the Capitol as protesters started breaching the fences. 

Thus, the Capitol, innocent protesters who would certainly be tempted to rush in and become photo-journalists, and the entire Congressional chain of political command of the two parties and the Vice-President were jeopardized over “optics.”

National Guard deployed at Lincoln Memorial for BLM

National Guard Deployed during BLM protests

Americans were pitted against each other in the People’s House.  Five Americans died because Congress was left completely unprotected by Bowser and Democrat open borders/hide the National Guard policies that have destroyed Democrat cities for the last four years.

The Defense Department repeatedly offered Capitol Police, the DC Police and Mayor Bowser the security protections that Trump was ridiculed for implementing last Spring and Summer.  Had Bowser followed Trump’s force protection measures none of the loss would have occured.  Jessica Carney, an event planner, wrote for NBC, the  failure of those in charge to realize this crowd would be destructive was astounding.

This telegraphed abject failure caused the loss of life and property damage here.  Just as Democrat refusal to bring in the Guard in Wisconsin and New York’s hands-off approach during the riots there caused death and billions in damages. 

Trump, the Flag and Monument protector could never have fathomed that the Capitol was so left so egregiously unprotected by Bowser’s, Pelosi’s and McConnell’s security staffs.

Yet, Trump, the leader who advocates the correct approach to protect all protesters, the police, and property is silenced and disgraced for exercising speech. A right that Congressmen and journalists should defend.  Rather, Michelle Obama, Mayor Bowser and others demand investigations over why BLM protesters received armed National Guard protection around DC while “white” Republicans walked through the Capitol and now face federal criminal charges.

It seems Michelle Obama and the elites who advocate speech bans ignore that Republicans are also outraged.  Republicans, whose lives are now ruined by virtue of their presence at the protest, demand to know why the National Guard was not deployed to protect them, the police, and the Capitol.  There are videos of protesters fighting to stop the hooligans from destroying the Capitol. Young boys cleared debris inside of the Capitol. These protesters needed help too.

Obama, Bowser and the others should consider themselves blessed that Trump’s armed National Guard protected their children from this fiasco. The only thing missing from this Democrat security disgrace were the social workers. 

Bottom line, systemically wrong Democrats risked the Capitol, the Police and protesting Americans. The Capitol losses are the result of the same policies that killed, maimed and destroyed in Portland and throughout the BLM protests in the Spring and summer.  Absent strong security, border, fences, National Guard, even the most “peaceful” protests can be hijacked to catastrophic results. 

Sadly, the one leader and protesters consistently correct about securing safety for free speech have been silenced. Democrats and Trump haters are thrilled.

But, back in Hong Kong, the protesters weep as they watch Unites States Democrats endorse the Chinese practice of quelling protests then stripping protesters of access to the internet and speech.  

Well done Democrats and Big Tech.

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