Protesters march through downtown Chicago to Grant Park during a mass protest for immigration reform on Tuesday, May 01, 2007.

In endorsing presidential nominee Joe Biden, Cindy McCain pitched the relationship between her husband the late John McCain and Biden. They put Country not Party first, she said. Team Biden commercializes the friendship as one where “you cross the aisle and lock arms to do the right thing.” In announcing the endorsement to donors, Biden said that Mrs. McCain was offended by the “suckers and losers” comments falsely attributed to President Trump by Jeffrey Goldberg in his Atlantic hit piece.

But to Hispanics, Joe Biden made “suckers and losers” out of them and John McCain, thirteen years ago in June 2007. Biden refused “to cross the aisle and lock arms to do the right thing” with McCain to put “country” and millions of Hispanics, first.

Instead, Biden killed McCain’s signature legislation McCain/Kennedy Comprehensive Immigration Reform. He destroyed McCain’s presidential aspirations.  Worse, Biden decimated the hopes of millions of Hispanics legal and illegal throughout Arizona and across both sides of the US Southern border. Hispanics who were promised Immigration Reform were left for “suckers and losers” by Biden.

In 2007, Pelosi and Schumer were congressional leaders. George W. Bush, then considered a “war criminal,” was president. Hispanic protests in favor of immigration reform were held all over the country.  Biden and the whole cabal of Democrats rallied for comprehensive immigration reform in that monumental moment.  John McCain teamed up with Ted Kennedy, as lions of the Senate, to champion it.

On McCain’s leadership, McConnell and Graham gambled the Republican party’s 2007 electoral fortunes to support McCain and enact Comprehensive Immigration Reform. “Cocaine” Mitch locked arms with McCain to put it on the line to legalize 12 million illegal immigrants. But Biden did not.

Just before the vote, Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer decided that the legalization of 12 million Hispanics was not “good enough” by one Democrat vote. Instead of “crossing the aisle and locking arms” with his “friend” John McCain, Biden turned his back and voted to filibuster McCain’s bill. Along with Schumer and Pelosi, Biden promised millions of Hispanics that within the first 100 days of inauguration, he and President Obama would enact Comprehensive Immigration Reform.  

So just as Sen. Kamala Harris killed the hope of bi-partisan Police Reform and the potential for peace on the streets of America with her vote to filibuster and kill Tim Scott’s police reform, Biden killed the hopes of millions of Hispanics with his votes in 2007.

Following their inauguration, instead of reform, Biden and Obama went on to build  the infamous cages on the border. The cages were built to house the overflow of thousands of Central American children trafficked across the US Border to get here illegally, because Biden and the Democrats killed reform.

In a last-ditch attempt to save face, Biden and Obama threw Hispanic children a bone by creating  DACA. Even that was a scam. A unanimous Supreme Court that included the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg, held DACA was a lie. DACA conferred no legal benefits whatsoever.

So, for all his promises in 2007, Biden killed Comprehensive Immigration Reform. Democrats accomplished nothing but cages and a legal fraud in DACA.

Cindy McCain forgot her husband’s personal and professional loss at Biden’s hands. She’s forgotten the pain of millions of Hispanics in Arizona and throughout both sides of  the US Southern border who suffered the folly of believing that Joe Biden will ever “lock arms and cross the aisle to do the right thing.”

Thankfully, Hispanics have not.

In 47 months, as promised, President Trump and his Administration, re-built the US border. He emptied Biden’s cages and ended the mass migrations of 70,000 migrants a month who border crossed illegally and to find themselves in US bus stations. Trump ended the abuse of Central American children who were trafficked as slaves and drug mules.   

President Trump renegotiated NAFTA to benefit workers and living standards for workers on both sides of the border.

Trump promises to end DACA. He wants to replace it with a system that offers a path to citizenship for millions of illegals. In exchange he seeks a merit-based immigration system.  Trump has a record of promises kept. Biden has a 47 year record of lies and inaction. Hispanics “won’t be fooled again” nor left for “suckers and losers” by Joe Biden.


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