The K Shaped Recovery in New York- A Study In Biden Economics

Recently, Team Biden trotted out the K Shaped Recovery Model as a defense when confronted by the positive jobs and economic numbers created through collaborative policies between Federal and State Republicans, President Trump and his Administration since the first States lifted their lockdowns.

The interviews from the right and left on this issue proceed this way:

Media: the jobs numbers are looking great for Team Trump.

Biden Surrogate: Yes, but economists say it’s a K-shaped recovery. The rich are going up and the poor are going down. Biden will Build Back Better with green energy jobs.

End of discussion. 

But as with all Team Biden policy clickbait vocabulary, the K-Shaped Model, when probed, is another glaring example of failed Democrat policies that Biden/Harris intend to nationalize and impose on every American business and employee across every State of the Union.

The K-Shaped Economic Model:

As explained by US Chamber of Commerce President Susan Clark, the K- Shaped Model reflects a recovery that is “vigorous for some sectors while others remain in free fall.” According to the Chamber, the employers and employees in “free fall,” right now, are in the food service, hospitality, travel and entertainment sectors.

K-Shaped Recovery Graph

                    US Chamber of Commerce K-Shaped Recovery Graph

So, what would,

The Biden/Harris Science Based Economic Recovery Plan Yield:

New York, with its Democrat policy darlings Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill DeBlasio, provides a Petri dish for the economic recovery platform proposed by Biden/Harris and the team that creates their notecards and teleprompter feeds.

Applying Biden economics, Cuomo and DeBlasio put positivity rates and maintaining a low infection rate to the exclusion of every other harm at the top of their economic policy goals. In addition to a mandatory mask mandate, Cuomo and DeBlasio only just opened indoor dining in New York City. Outside of New York City, indoor dining is severely limited to a maximum of 50 diners.  These proscriptions continue in place notwithstanding that Republican States like Florida and Texas, except during the height of their spike, permitted 50% indoor dining since April.

Cuomo and DeBlasio kept these “science based” lockdown policies (that Biden insists he will nationalize) in place even though the National Restaurant Association warned they would force 63% of all New York State restaurants to permanently close if the restrictions were not lifted. Indeed, Cuomo and DeBlasio only relented when faced with a billion dollar class-action by a consortium of NYS Restaurant Owners Consortium desperate to avoid bankruptcy.

Second, in the interest of “following the science”, Cuomo and DeBlasio only just allowed large gyms in New York State to open even though, at the peak of its infection cycle, Florida and Governor DeSantis, rejected the national scientists and kept Florida’s gyms open.

Cuomo and DeBlasio’s ongoing insistence on listening to the “Docs” as Joe says, has forced an Alliance of Small Gym Owners to sue them. It is there last-ditch effort to save this critical sector that hires predominantly LBGTQ and minority groups of trainers and entry level workers that grow from their services.

In order to mitigate any prospect of infection or spread, Cuomo also implemented Biden’s shutdown proposal and imposes a mandatory two-week quarantine on all travelers into New York State. New York’s ability to attract any out of State travelers for its travel industry is decimated from this “science based lockdowns.”

At the same time, Cuomo and DeBlasio implemented Biden’s “redistribution” of police funding proposals. They gutted New York’s Homeless and Undercover Police outreach programs to the tune of $1 Billion.  Team Biden’s argument that their proposed $300 million increase in Federal Community Police funding will re-invent policing is shockingly out of touch.  In addition to Cuomo, Democrats governors and mayors across the country stripped billions more from their police departments. That funding cannot be replaced by Biden’s proposed $300 million.

Meanwhile, Biden’s  proscriptions for community policing as enacted in NYC continue to cause horrific spikes in robberies, assaults, and murders, in rich and poor neighborhoods alike. So, as Team Biden sits back and laments to the media about the existence of a K Shaped Recovery and blames President Trump for it, the media would do well to remember Governor Cuomo’s mantra, “The Presidency is not a dictatorship.”

The media should step up do research and ask why Biden, Harris and their surrogates don’t direct their demands for action to avoid a K-Shaped recovery, at Cuomo and DeBlasio who are implementing Biden economics in New York and causing this destructive and lopsided recovery. 

In Democrat run States and cities, small business owners and employees are fighting and suing to escape the ravages of a K-Shaped recovery caused by the Biden “scientific” economic lockdown policies.

Just feeling small business owners’ pain, as Harris recently said, does not save a restaurant, hairdresser or gym its waiters, stylists or trainers.  As President Trump argues, every American, even in New York and the other Democrat controlled States have a right to save their businesses now rather than hope that Biden will Build them Back Better, later.

Biden’s economic policies are causing a horrible K-Shaped recovery in New York and around the country in Democrat run cities and States. It is a harbinger of the misery to come if Biden were elected and his “science based” policies enacted nationally.