When Accountable Foreign Policy Became an Impeachable Offense

American Oligarchs

One read of the whistleblower complaint and it is abundantly clear that he/she has  extensive and personal connection to Obama/Biden’s Ukraine foreign policy. It is also obvious that he/she objects to the Trump Administration’s current foreign policy approach toward Ukraine.

So again, we have a new scandal based on another attempt to prevent the President from being the voice of the Americans who elected him and expressing their concerns to a foreign leader.

Every talking and political head has concluded that the President’s ask was for his campaign.  They all ignore the contemporaneous and express language in the transcript. The President said specifically:

“I would like you to do us a favor though because our countryhas been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it.”

Unambiguously, the President asked for a favor on my behalf and on behalf of Americans who have been torn apart by years of investigation and who still don’t know how it started.

Likewise, as to the conflicts and profits of Joe and Hunter Biden, the talking and political heads might not realize it, but every American wants to know how that lucrative contract was awarded to Hunter Biden at the time his father was in charge or American Ukraine policy.  

We wonder because we watched as private citizens, who are called to public service, are asked to divest themselves of every asset that might create the appearance of a conflict.

The President, his sons and daughter were investigated by the FBI, CIA and Congress over a potential purchase of a Hotel in Moscow. Their organizations agreed not to engage in any foreign investment projects during their father’s Administration. Still, the President is being sued over the emoluments clause for renting rooms in Trump hotels to non-citizens.  Congressperson Cortes announced that those nightly stays could provide the bases for a charge of impeachment.

Lori Loughlin and dozens of parents face fines and jail time for using their position to advance the position of their children in Colleges across the country.

Even Putin’s oligarchs face sanctions and Ukraines’ oligarchs face corruption charges for steering contracts to their friends and family…

Yet, somehow, over the last eight years of the Obama/BidenAdministration, nepotism and friends and family contracts for the Vice-President and two Secretaries of State were no big deal.

Apparently, the whistleblower, media and political hacks are so used to this rampant nepotism and conflicts of interest that Joe and Hunter Biden, by virtue of their government connections could seek out, profit from their government relations and expect that some-how they are above investigation or charges of corruption because, …they are Democrats or American?

It is exactly this type of foreign policy that has destroyed the American reputation around the world and disgusts Americans.

What does it say about us as Americans if we accept that it is okay to leave Ukrainians dangling with pillows and blankets at the mercy of Russia while the top echelons of the Obama/Biden Administration  walked off with $3 mil in cash and long-term contracts?

It is shocking to realize that Nancy Pelosi, her Squad, and even Mitt Romney have no problem with the Vice-President of the United States and his family profiting off the backs of the suffering war- ravaged people in Ukraine. It is shameful that for eight years this has been our foreign policy.

Of course, the contracts with American oligarchs and their children in Ukraine as with other questionable transactions from Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs must be investigated and, if there was corruption, held to account.

And of course, if the new leader of Ukraine is to have a chance at addressing corruption in Ukraine, once and for all, no one should be viewed as above the law there, even the ex-Vice President of the United States, current candidate for President and his son.

        Oligarch Corruption Disruptors

Running for President does not create immunity from investigation for potentially corrupt conduct.

That is what @realdonaldtrump was trying to insure.  

That Democrats seek to impeach over this exercise of foreign policy or that Republicans find this accountability troubling is shocking.

The extreme left and the Squad have taken over the Democrat party. They tried to overrun and blow up our Border with Central American migrants. Now, they are trying to blow up and overthrow the votes of the American people by impeaching and overturning the results of the 2016 election.

Accountable foreign policy, however, is not a grounds for impeachment.