Donald J. Trump and His Band of Political Neophytes Rejected the Russian Disinformation Campaign That Trump Haters Bought Hook, Line, and Sinker.

An interesting thing happened on the way to the Mueller report.  Those crass, unorthodox political nobodies in Trump land beat back Russian infiltration attempts that Never Trumpers, Obama’s Intelligence apparatus, Democrat political hacks and the media bought hook, line, and sinker!

2,800 subpoenas, 500 executed warrants, 230 of communications records, 13 foreign government requests and about 500 witness interviews, the results are in.  Russian organizations attempted to infiltrate our election, and Trump world did not collude with them. 

Regarding President Trump’s family and associates, the Special Counsel found no one conspired or coordinated with Russian organizations. “Despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.”

Trump’s Political Neophytes

The same can’t be said of the Trump haters. Today, we know Glenn Simpson and his band of political agitators peddled disinformation from Russian operatives to Michael Steele. Examine how the experienced and refined handled it:

Never Trumpers like Senator McCain and his chief of staff pushed the Russian disinformation into the Obama Intelligence apparatus.  Senator McCain’s chief of staff even peddled it to a multitude of media entities to publicly disseminate.

Obama’s Intelligence apparatus, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Yates instigated a counterintelligence investigation based on Russian disinformation. It proved without any legal or factual basis.

Obama Intelligence Team

Democrat political class agitators like Reps. Schiff and Nadler. They quoted Russian disinformation right into Congressional committee hearings. Hearings reflective of disgusting Democrat McCarthy tactics from the 50’s. Democrat 2020 presidential candidates continue peddling the Russian disinformation conclusions. They try to discredit the duly elected President of the United States and sow continued division and hate in America.

Media. Matt Taibbi, in a thirty-page expose indicts his colleagues for disseminating, as fact, Russian disinformation without journalistic basis. He condemns them for breaking every rule in news reporting “starting with the prohibition on reporting things we can’t confirm.”  They “obliterated the concept of the press as an independent institution whose primary role is sorting fact from fiction” writes Taibbi.

So when the political class in both parties and the media vilify the President or his Administration as incompetent or Putin’s foils, remember the gang at Trump Tower wasn’t duped by Russians. It was Never Trumpers, Obama’s Intelligence apparatus, Democrat political hacks and the media who got played by Russia’s disinformation and destabilization campaign.

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