Democrats Jim Crow Hispanics for the 18th Year

It goes on and on and on…

Over 18 years, Democrat have Jim Crowed millions of Hispanics. This is more than Trump hate. In fact, Trump loathing spikes each time Trump has looked for a deal on immigration. It’s been 18 years since Democrats walked away from Bush-McCain-Kennedy, 18 years that they have refused to close a deal, 18 years that Hispanics and their children have been relegated to the back of the bus. an immigration solution leaving Hispanics forever at their mercy.

Pelosi and Schumer have been in leadership since Bush. Yet Hispanic second-class status has ballooned.

If Democrats wanted to accept 20,000 unaccompanied minors a month legally, they would build a Wall and legislate it. Allow the innocent to apply legally.

Instead, they perpetuate porous borders that entice and endanger the lives of kids like Jakelin and Filipe. Even if these victims survive the journey, they create or become a kid like Ramon Arevalo Lopez. He arrived with catch and release and is now part of MS-13 and charged with stabbing a student in Long Island.

Democrats don’t care that they are creating an underclass of second-class citizens. Senate Leader DeLeon in California said last year, that his relations survive on fake ids, fake drivers licenses, and fake social security cards.

Meanwhile, LA teachers are striking over overcrowding in the public schools. Resources much needed for American kids are being diverted to deal with illiterate migrants and unaccompanied minors living in shadows.

Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer have stood in the way of legal Hispanic immigration from Central America for 18 years since 2001 when Bush campaigned and won on Immigration Reform.

Democrats filibustered Bush/McCain/Kennedy immigration reform under Bush,

Did nothing to legalize Central American migration under Obama, instead created DACA, an unconstitutional Executive Order that created more fake and illegal hope.

Pelosi and Schumer fake promises and talk since 2001 have kept Hispanics in second class status. They fundraiser off of it and like DeLeon admit keeping their constituents in line because their relations and neighbors must live illegally.

In 2014, instead of immigration reform, Democrats and Obama built the cages at the Southern border and allowed mothers to send their kids by themselves separated thousands of miles.

Hispanics deserve a seat at the table to resolve this humanitarian disaster on both sides of the Border. But Nancy and Chuck just want power and more talk. The President offered a start and legislation to help TPP and DACA for three years and to end the indignity of mother’s endangering their children because our porous border is like heroin to an addict.

Where are the Kanye’s and Armstrong Jones in the Hispanic community? Where are Hispanics, who are willing to say, as with Prison Reform, we should not let this opportunity pass for more talk from Democrats.

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