A Public Service Announcement on John McCain From Trump’s Anger Translators

To My Fellow Americans,

As Saturday morning dawned, I heard Ken Starr lament that Senator McCain’s conduct in pushing the dirty dossier to Comey would be a stain on his record. The statement saddened me.

I could  have just re-tweeted Starr’s point. The corrosive effect of the dossier investigation on my Administration and anyone associated with me is undeniable.

The truth is McCain’s “stain” will be his failure to the American people on healthcare.  The Senator’s refusal to keep his campaign promise to his voters, his colleagues in Congress, and the American people in keeping the “status quo.” McCain’s thumbs down is the tragedy.

Without repeal, healthcare reform died. Moderate and conservative Republicans put their seats on the line in favor of forward motion. They lost. Adult debate, the possibility of making health insurance available across State lines, portability, competition,  association pooling, catastrophic insurance, tort reform, all died. Republicans lost the House.

 Where are we now? 

Democrats are pushing Medicare for All.  Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, and Democrat filibuster-proof majorities in both Houses rejected Medicare for All. Yet here we are again. Tragically, better healthcare for all died with John McCain’s thumbs down.

Thank you, Trump Anger Translators

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