The Moral, Military and Foreign Policy Failures of Hillary Clinton- Iraq, Libya, Syria

During the Democrat primary when asked to compare Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Susan Sarandon said she was far more fearful of Mrs. Clinton’s war policies than Donald Trump’s wall talk. She never learns, said Sarandon. In response to the Khizir Khan incident at the DNC, Cindy Sheehan, the anti-Iraq War mom who also lost her son in Iraq, and spent years protesting the War outside of the Bush summer home said that while she opposed Donald Trumps bigotry, she told Salon his attack was exactly right:
“Hillary Clinton not only voted for it, but she gave Democratic cover to George Bush for the invasion and occupation of Iraq that killed my son and killed the Khan’s son… TO me that is where the conversation should be.”
Over 16 years, Mrs. Clinton has entangled our children in violent and bloody wars and abandoned them. Willingly and repeatedly, she has chosen to subject the women and children in Iraq, Libya, and Syria to death and devastation when her political fortunes were at risk. Not only has she wasted our treasure but also her “political-winds based” foreign policy based on political winds has destabilized the Middle East and betrayed our allies there.
Hillary Clinton and her husband along with the neo-conservatives in the Republican Party were leading proponents of the Iraq War. On their arguments’, over 200000 of our kids were sent to Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein and rebuild Iraq as a pluralistic State.
Yet, at the worst point of this mission, when our troops were losing and millions of Iraqi lives were at risk, Mrs. Clinton withdrew her support because she needed to get on par with war opponent senator Barak Obama. Ironically, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates supports Mrs. Clinton over Mr. Trump. Mr. Gates complained that he fears that Mr. Trump’s temperament might prevent him from listening to the generals under him. Yet, the only candidate who has ignored and rejected the sworn advice of the generals on the ground is Mrs. Clinton. She voted against the Surge that saved Iraq for only a few years thanks to the Obama/Clinton Iraq withdrawal. She voted against the recommendations of General Petraeus and the chain of command at the Pentagon. She belittled Petreaus with her infamous statement that believing in the Surge would “require the willing suspension of disbelief.” She voted to defund our troops at the lowest and most dangerous point in the War, all to advance her political fortunes.
Insert boat capsizing
In Libya, Mrs. Clinton ignored the generals again in the size of the force structure necessary to topple and stabilize Libya and argued in favor of a limited invasion. Having created such a precarious and unstable country, Mrs. Clinton and her incompetent operatives ignored the security threats, ignored the fact that the British has evacuated Benghazi, and worried more about the clothing of a rescue force than saving our diplomats and security force. Then she lied, because the political optics were terrible for President Obama’s political fortunes and more importantly her own.
Last, Syria is a foreign policy disaster and humanitarian debacle worse than the Palestinian refugee crisis. Mrs. Clinton takes pride in her role and that of her child-advisor Jake Sullivan in agreeing to decouple the nuclear issue from the myriad of other Iranian offenses in negotiating the lifting of sanctions against Iran. She views her role in this de-coupling as one of her foreign policy achievements.
At the time of these negotiations, Mrs. Clinton, and her neo-conservative crony Victoria Nuland lied to reporters and the public about these secret negotiation with the Iranian hard-line regime. Likewise, Mrs. Clinton knew, in August 2016, that there was no new partners in Iran and there were 4 million refugees living in appalling conditions as a result of the Iran/Russia proxy war in Syria.
Rather than stand against the Iran deal and fight for a resolution to the Syrian humanitarian crisis or even stand with democrat stalwarts like Menendez, Cardin even Schumer in opposing the Iran deal she twisted with her political fortunes, sacrificed 4 million refugees, and backed the deal.
Three times, Mrs. Clinton was called on to choose whether to stand on moral grounds with our troops and the refugees her policies have created or turn her back on them to enhance her political fortunes. Three times she has turned her back and chosen expediency and her political preservations to tragic results …

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